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Mr.Greeds Virtual Casino

Mr. Greeds Virtual Casino.
640 x 480, SVGA
(PC/ Mac)

Somewhere, in a small town , the awful Mr.Greed is running his business with great enthusiasm. The casino contains Black Jack, Poker, Roulette and Slot machines. In the bar you can pick up your saved players or create new ones.

Compete with your friends or try to break Mr.Greed's bank. Up to eight players can play together in the game, and you can choose between eight different languages.

One problem is that Mr. Greed doesn´t like his customers very much - unless they lose. Therefore, Mr.Greed himself will keep a keen eye on your results while you play...

The game contains high quality graphics (true color!), drawn by hand by our skilled artists, as well as atmospherical music and audio.


